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Showing posts from June, 2015

Another benefit of sleep; it keeps you from forgetting!

Another benefit of sleep; it keeps you from forgetting! In this cool Cell article Davis and colleagues show that sleep facilitates memory retention by blocking dopamine neuron-mediated forgetting. In Drosophila, the ongoing activity of specific dopamine neurons regulates the forgetting of olfactory memories.  This ongoing dopaminergic activity is modulated with behavioral state, increasing robustly with locomotor activity and decreasing with rest. Increasing sleep-drive, with either sleep-promoting agents Gaboxadol or by genetic stimulation of the neural circuit for sleep, decreases ongoing dopaminergic activity, while enhancing memory retention!

9 Things Warren Buffett Says You Should Do to Be Happy and Successful

1. Invest in yourself before anything else. 2. Change bad habits as soon as you can. 3. Know your own strengths and weaknesses. 4. Never risk something you need to get something you don't need. 5. Find work you love. 6. Surround yourself with people you admire. 7. Face down your fears. 8. Your time is a precious resource. Use it accordingly. 9. Never ignore a great opportunity.

Information about Sensex in Kannada

10 Reasons To Start A Business After College Instead Of Finding A Job

1. You know your work habits. 2. You’ll learn to work smarter. 3. You’ll understand the value of hard work. 4. You’ll gain better sales and networking skills. 5. You’ll work on your own schedule. 6. You only have so many years of energy. 7. You have nothing to lose. 8. You’re fresh with ideas. 9. You’ll get smarter. 10. You’ll be doing what you love. Read the full article here: 

Curriculum road map for becoming a successful Data Analyst