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Showing posts from April, 2015

Fifteen programming languages you need to know in 2015

1. Java 2. JavaScript 3.C# 4. PHP 5. C++ 6. Python 7. C 8. SQL 9.Ruby 10. Objective-C 11. Perl 12 .NET 13. Visual Basic 14. R 15. Swift BONUS: Teaching Kids to Code with a Board Game

16 Ways to Create Your Own Happiness at Work

1. Remember That You Are In Charge of Your Own Happiness 2. Don’t Obsess over Things You Can’t Control 3. Don’t Compare Yourself to Other People 4. Reward Yourself 5. Exercise During the Work Week 6. Don’t Judge and Gossip 7. Choose Your Battles Wisely 8. Stay True to Yourself 9. Clear the Clutter 10. Give Someone A Hand 11. Let Your Strengths Flow 12. Smile and Laugh More 13. Stay Away From Negative People 14. Laugh at Yourself 15. Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude 16. Believe the Best Is Yet to Come Bringing It All Together Applying these strategies won’t just improve your happiness at work; most of them will also improve your emotional intelligence. Pick those that resonate with you and have fun with them.

6 ways to succeed without a college degree

What do  Coco Chanel ,  Steve Jobs ,  Oprah Winfrey  and  Mark Zuckerberg  all have in common? Not one of them finished their college education. 1. Acquire knowledge through self-exploration 2. Gain experience and build your portfolio 3. Learn in-demand skills 4. Build a team of amazing mentors 5. Always pick yourself back up 6. Know your options

Brains Breathing Connection!

Breathing is essential for survival and under precise neural control. The vagus nerve is a major conduit between lung and brain required for normal respiration. Here, we identify two populations of mouse vagus nerve afferent (P2ry1, Npy2r), each a few hundred neurons, that exert powerful and opposing effects on breathing. These neurons densely innervate the lung and send long-range projections to different brain stem targets. Npy2r neurons are largely slow-conducting C fibers, while P2ry1 neurons are largely fast-conducting A fibers that contact pulmonary endocrine cells (neuroepithelial bodies). Stimulation of P2ry1 neurons acutely silences respiration, trapping animals in exhalation, while stimulating Npy2r neurons causes rapid, shallow breathing. Activating P2ry1 neurons did not impact heart rate or gastric pressure, other autonomic functions under vagal control. Thus, the vagus nerve contains intermingled sensory neurons constituting genetically definable labeled l

10 Positive Habits That Could Change Your Life

Trust karma. Volunteer. Embrace your emotions Count your blessings… Every. Single. Day. Cherish every moment with loved ones as if it was the last. Judge less, accept more. Meditate. Lists and more lists! Find an outlet to your emotions. Last but not least,  follow your heart but take your head with you.

Scientists have figured out what makes Indian food so delicious

iPhone 7 concept video envisions the device with a killer Apple Watch crown

Startup Launch Checklist: 22 Steps to Success (Infographic)

Infographic brought to you by Wrike

College is worth it if you have these six experiences

a professor who made them excited about learning professors who cared about them as a person a mentor who encouraged them to pursue their goals and dreams worked on a long-term project had a job or internship where they applied what they were learning were extremely involved in extra-curricular activities

The Healthiest Sleeping Positions

We all know how important the right posture is for your health throughout the day. But did you know that this doesn't stop once you close your eyes at night? Which sleeping positions are best? which ones are the sleeping equivalent of walking on your hands? This great info-graphic lays it all out.