Napoleon Hill interviewed more than 500 self-made millionaires over a span of 20 years (although he pre-dated Bill Gates). 1. Desire: You have to want it. 2. Faith: Believe that you can achieve your goal. 3. Auto-suggestion: Use affirmations to reach your goal. 4. Specialized knowledge: Gain experiences and continue learning. 5. Imagination: Come up with ideas and visualize your success. 6. Organized planning: Take action. 7. Decision: Defeat procrastination with decisiveness. 8. Persistence: Don't stop until you get what you want. 9. Power of the Master Mind: Surround yourself with the best. 10. The Mystery of Sex Transmutation: Choose a compatible partner. 11. The Subconscious Mind: Master positivity and dismiss negative emotions. 12. The Brain: Associate with other smart people and learn from them. 13. The Sixth Sense: Trust your gut.